



Roast level

Malakodu – Monsoon Malabar

Unveil the magic of the monsoons with our Monsoon Malabar Coffee, This coffee undergoes a transformative monsooning process, resulting in an unparalleled depth of flavor and a smooth, mellow cup that tells the story of the Indian monsoon. Harvested coffee beans are exposed to the moist monsoon winds of the Malabar coast. This natural aging process, lasting several weeks, swells the beans and infuses them with the essence of the monsoon. The result is a coffee that is lower in acidity but rich in body, with a unique, earthy flavor profile that sets it apart from any other coffee.

  • Origin: Malakodu estate, Coorg
  • Bean Type: 100 percent Arabica AAA
  • Processing Method: Sun-dried and monsooned
Shree Pudyodhi Marketing,
Malcode Estate,
Chetthalli Village,
Kodagu (Coorg) district,
Karnataka – 571248, India.

Processing and delivery time for all orders

All orders will take a maximum of 2 business days for processing before shipping

Given below is the number of shipping days required for respective regions as specified by our shipping partners.

Delivery times are approximate and based on information from our courier partners. the courier partners may delay shipping which is beyond our control. how ever all efforts will be made to process and deliver orders in the quickest manner possible


No. of business days

Karnataka and South


Goa, Maharashtra, Andra pradesh and Telengana


North (except for Jammu and Kashmir) and East


Jammu and Kashmir and North Eastern states